Alat test formalin ini pemakaiannya mudah, tinggal diteteskan sedikit pada obyek langsung keluar hasilnya bila berwarna ungu obyek positif mengandung formalin. Test kit formalin ini dapat digunakan siapa saja meskipun tidak memiliki keahlian analisis laboratorium.
HARGA TEST KIT FORMALIN RP.175.000,– @ 50 kali analisis, harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
- Test Kit Borax atau Boraks (Rp.175.000,00)
- Test Kit Rhodamin B (Rp.225.000,00)
- Test Kit Methanil Yellow (Rp.175.000,00)
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke / atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke / atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
Product Detail
Formaldehyde (Formalin) is a toxic material that can kill bacteria and viruses as well as damage human cells. Food manufacturers sometimes add Formaldehyde to foods such as fish, meats, milk, noodles meats, etc to extend its shelf-life. Many ordinary foods naturally contain small amounts of Formaldehyde however, excess Formaldehyde has been reported in many foods.
Although adding formaldehyde to foods is forbidden in many countries, some manufacturers still add it in particular if the food is expected to stay unrefrigerated for a while. Consumers of foods need to know if they contain excessive and dangerous amounts of formaldehyde. Inspectors of food need to know if formaldehyde was added purposely and illegally to the food.
Excess exposure to formaldehyde is known to increase the possibilty of cancer and also cause breathing difficulties. Women in the early stages of pregnancy are also highly sucectible to exposure to Formaldehyde, as it is suspected to cause birth defects and other complications with early child development.
We are provides a Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit to detect the formalin (formaldehyde) content in food or beverage products. Our Test Kit for formaldehyde detection can reach trace levels. We provide analysis to international standards, and develop appropriate formaldehyde analytical testing methods, depending upon the sample matrix and detection levels required.
With our product you will get:
- Detects Formaldehyde on Fish, Fruit, Cheese and other Meats Instantly
- Detects as low as Five Parts Per Million
- Qualitative, Visual Analysis
- Selective Response
- Long Shelf-Life
ONLY Rp.175.000,00 for 50 times test
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at or
Formaldehyde (Formalin) is a toxic material that can kill bacteria and viruses as well as damage human cells. Food manufacturers sometimes add Formaldehyde to foods such as fish, meats, milk, noodles meats, etc to extend its shelf-life. Many ordinary foods naturally contain small amounts of Formaldehyde however, excess Formaldehyde has been reported in many foods.
Although adding formaldehyde to foods is forbidden in many countries, some manufacturers still add it in particular if the food is expected to stay unrefrigerated for a while. Consumers of foods need to know if they contain excessive and dangerous amounts of formaldehyde. Inspectors of food need to know if formaldehyde was added purposely and illegally to the food.
Excess exposure to formaldehyde is known to increase the possibilty of cancer and also cause breathing difficulties. Women in the early stages of pregnancy are also highly sucectible to exposure to Formaldehyde, as it is suspected to cause birth defects and other complications with early child development.
We are provides a Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit to detect the formalin (formaldehyde) content in food or beverage products. Our Test Kit for formaldehyde detection can reach trace levels. We provide analysis to international standards, and develop appropriate formaldehyde analytical testing methods, depending upon the sample matrix and detection levels required.
With our product you will get:
- Detects Formaldehyde on Fish, Fruit, Cheese and other Meats Instantly
- Detects as low as Five Parts Per Million
- Qualitative, Visual Analysis
- Selective Response
- Long Shelf-Life
ONLY Rp.175.000,00 for 50 times test
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at or
Kami juga menjual aneka banyak macam jenis test kit lain untuk pengujian mutu bahan makanan atau mutu air. Beberapa test kit yang kami jual diantaranya, Test Kit Formalin, Test Kit Boraks, Test Kit Methanil Yellow, Test Kit Rhodamine B, Test Kit Nitrit, Test Kit Sianida, Test Kit Peroksida, Test Kit Hipoklorit (kaporit), Test Kit Iodat, dan test kit lainnya…
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@ / easy4test@ atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
"Easy Test (Supported by ET Group)" provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials for dangerous foods additives including Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit, Boraks (Borax) Test Kit, Methanil Yellow Test Kit, Rhodamine B Test Kit, Peroksida (Peroxide) Test Kit, Sakarin (Saccharin) Test Kit, Siklamat (Cyclamate) Test Kit, Benzoat (Benzoates) Test Kit, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381, +6285779721597 or +6281806201522 or email at or
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@ / easy4test@ atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
"Easy Test (Supported by ET Group)" provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials for dangerous foods additives including Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit, Boraks (Borax) Test Kit, Methanil Yellow Test Kit, Rhodamine B Test Kit, Peroksida (Peroxide) Test Kit, Sakarin (Saccharin) Test Kit, Siklamat (Cyclamate) Test Kit, Benzoat (Benzoates) Test Kit, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381, +6285779721597 or +6281806201522 or email at or
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