Test Kit Borax (Boraks) dalam makanan adalah alat uji cepat kualitatif untuk mendeteksi kandungan boraks dalam makanan dalam waktu 10 menit dengan batas sensitivitas deteksi 100 mg/Kg (100 ppm).
Borax (boraks) adalah pengenyal dan pengawet makanan untuk menjaga makanan agar tidak cepat busuk. Konsumsi makanan yang terkontaminasi boraks bahaya untuk kesehatan. Target sampel Test Kit Borax (Boraks) adalah daging dan produk daging (daging lumat, ikan cincang, kue ikan, bakso, daging babi segar, sosis, dll), buah-buahan yang diawetkan dan camilan.
Sifat merugikan Borax (boraks) buat kesehatan adalah beracun ke ginjal, iritasi pada saluran pencernaan. 15 gram boraks untuk orang dewasa atau 5 gram untuk anak-anak dapat menyebabkan hematemesis (muntah darah) dan kematian.
Batas deteksi Test Kit Borax (Boraks): 100 mg/kg (100 ppm).
Test Kit Borax (Boraks) didesain untuk 50 kali pengujian dan mampu bertahan selama 2 tahun jika disimpan pada suhu ruang atau di kulkas.
HARGA Rp.150.000,- (Belum, termasuk ongkos kirim)
- Test Kit Formalin atau Formaldehyde (Rp.175.000,00)
- Test Kit Rhodamin B (Rp.225.000,00)
- Test Kit Methanil Yellow (Rp.175.000,00)
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@yahoo.com / easy4test@gmail.com atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@yahoo.com / easy4test@gmail.com atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
Product Detail
What is Borax? - Borax, also known as sodium borate (Na2B4O7.10H2), and boric acid (H3BO3) are colourless, salt-like substance that can also be a white powder. Borax and boric acid have a number of legitimate applications and are widely used in manufacturing as detergents, water softeners and weak antiseptics. It is also used to make fertilisers, pesticides, and is sometimes found in pharmaceuticals. Some Asian cultures use Borax during food preparation as a firming agent, meat rub, preservative, or tenderiser.
Can Borax be sold as a food? - No. The Food Standards Code does not permit borax to be used in foods. Therefore, the sale and use of Borax as a food or food ingredient is not permitted in New South Wales and violates Australian poisons legislation. Borax is a toxic substance and poses an unacceptable risk to human health when used in food. The NSW Food Authority recently learnt that Borax is sometimes sold as a food in Asian groceries and supermarkets. Some retailers also have Borax for sale near or next to food so it is possible some consumers might mistake it as a food.
Selling Borax as a food is a breach of the law and poses a potentially serious health risk. Borax is therefore NOT to be sold as a food, or used in food.
What are the symptoms of Borax poisoning? - Some of the symptoms of Borax ingestion include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and red eyes. Symptoms may appear 2 to 4 hours after ingesting Borax. If large amounts of Borax are consumed, acute kidney failure and death may result.
We are provides a Borax (Indonesia name: Boraks) Test Kit to detect the borax (boraks) content in food or beverage products. Our Test Kit detection can reach trace levels. We provide analysis to international standards, and develop appropriate analytical testing methods, depending upon the sample matrix and detection levels required.
We are also provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials including FORMALIN TEST KIT, BORAX TEST KIT, METHANIL YELLOW TEST KIT, RHODAMINE B TEST KIT, NITRITE TEST KIT, CYANIDE TEST KIT, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
ONLY Rp.175.000,00 for 50 times test
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at easy4test@gmail.com or easy4test@yahoo.com
What is Borax? - Borax, also known as sodium borate (Na2B4O7.10H2), and boric acid (H3BO3) are colourless, salt-like substance that can also be a white powder. Borax and boric acid have a number of legitimate applications and are widely used in manufacturing as detergents, water softeners and weak antiseptics. It is also used to make fertilisers, pesticides, and is sometimes found in pharmaceuticals. Some Asian cultures use Borax during food preparation as a firming agent, meat rub, preservative, or tenderiser.
Can Borax be sold as a food? - No. The Food Standards Code does not permit borax to be used in foods. Therefore, the sale and use of Borax as a food or food ingredient is not permitted in New South Wales and violates Australian poisons legislation. Borax is a toxic substance and poses an unacceptable risk to human health when used in food. The NSW Food Authority recently learnt that Borax is sometimes sold as a food in Asian groceries and supermarkets. Some retailers also have Borax for sale near or next to food so it is possible some consumers might mistake it as a food.
Selling Borax as a food is a breach of the law and poses a potentially serious health risk. Borax is therefore NOT to be sold as a food, or used in food.
What are the symptoms of Borax poisoning? - Some of the symptoms of Borax ingestion include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and red eyes. Symptoms may appear 2 to 4 hours after ingesting Borax. If large amounts of Borax are consumed, acute kidney failure and death may result.
We are provides a Borax (Indonesia name: Boraks) Test Kit to detect the borax (boraks) content in food or beverage products. Our Test Kit detection can reach trace levels. We provide analysis to international standards, and develop appropriate analytical testing methods, depending upon the sample matrix and detection levels required.
We are also provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials including FORMALIN TEST KIT, BORAX TEST KIT, METHANIL YELLOW TEST KIT, RHODAMINE B TEST KIT, NITRITE TEST KIT, CYANIDE TEST KIT, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
ONLY Rp.175.000,00 for 50 times test
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at easy4test@gmail.com or easy4test@yahoo.com
Kami juga menjual aneka banyak macam jenis test kit lain untuk pengujian mutu bahan makanan atau mutu air. Beberapa test kit yang kami jual diantaranya, Test Kit Formalin, Test Kit Boraks, Test Kit Methanil Yellow, Test Kit Rhodamine B, Test Kit Nitrit, Test Kit Sianida, Test Kit Peroksida, Test Kit Hipoklorit (kaporit), Test Kit Iodat, dan test kit lainnya…
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@ yahoo.com / easy4test@ gmail.com atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
"Easy Test (Supported by ET Group)" provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials for dangerous foods additives including Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit, Boraks (Borax) Test Kit, Methanil Yellow Test Kit, Rhodamine B Test Kit, Peroksida (Peroxide) Test Kit, Sakarin (Saccharin) Test Kit, Siklamat (Cyclamate) Test Kit, Benzoat (Benzoates) Test Kit, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381, +6285779721597 or +6281806201522 or email at easy4test@gmail.com or easy4test@yahoo.com
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan silahkan email ke easy4test@ yahoo.com / easy4test@ gmail.com atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 081806201522
"Easy Test (Supported by ET Group)" provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials for dangerous foods additives including Formalin (Formaldehyde) Test Kit, Boraks (Borax) Test Kit, Methanil Yellow Test Kit, Rhodamine B Test Kit, Peroksida (Peroxide) Test Kit, Sakarin (Saccharin) Test Kit, Siklamat (Cyclamate) Test Kit, Benzoat (Benzoates) Test Kit, and OTHERS TEST KIT.
More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381, +6285779721597 or +6281806201522 or email at easy4test@gmail.com or easy4test@yahoo.com
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